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Dirt Bike


Welcome to the Mongolia's beautiful nature

Terms & Conditions

Please read carefully before signing the Booking Form

1. The Contract

These terms and conditions form the contract between ………….  LLC ("The Company") and the client named on the booking form. To secure a booking the Company requires a completed and signed booking form and the necessary deposit of USD $450.  NOTE: Tour BOOKING DEPOSIT is non-refundable and NON-TRANSFERABLE.  Registration on one of our trips implies that the client agrees with our general terms and conditions. Bookings are accepted on the grounds of the client’s understanding inherent risks associated with the adventure travels.

2. Cancellation by The Client

  1. In case of cancellation 30 - 60 days before departure, 40% of the tour price will be retained by the company.

  2. In case of cancellation within 30 days before the departure date, 80% of the tour price will be retained by the Company.

  3. Cancellations MUST be advised in writing and will only be effective from the date of receipt by the Company.

3. Cancellation by The Company

  1. Our dated group tours are subject to a minimum of five clients on the 3 motorcycles. 

  2. In the event of the cancellation of the tour by the company for any reasons except Force Majeure full refund will be given.

  3. In the event of the Force Majeure the Client will be given the choice between the rescheduling and full refund. 

  4. Force majeure means war, rebellion, wild fire, flood, epidemic disease, earthquake, quarantine, traffic halt and other exceptional event or circumstances which is beyond a Party’s control. 

  5. The Company will not be liable for compensation beyond a full refund of amount paid by the Client.

4. Responsibilities of The Client

  1. Clients are responsible for ensuring the validity of their passport beyond the full duration of their travel. 

  2. Clients are responsible for obtaining the necessary visas and vaccinations.

  3. Clients are responsible for charges related to the service fees. The Company reserve the right to claim from the client any shortfall.

  4. Clients must obey the laws and regulation imposed by the Mongolian authorities e. g. police, customs, healthcare and   environmental protection. Client is responsible for all the penalties and fees associated with violations occurred.  

  5. The tour leader will not be held responsible for incidents or accidents which may occur as a result of unwise personal behavior.

  6. Client is responsible for bringing the all necessary safety gear and clothing to be used during the ride and shall be sufficient for the whole duration of the travel. Company will not provide any of the above-mentioned items. 

  7. Client shall testify and sign waiver stating that their health and fitness conditions are suitable for the tour, provided in the Appendix A of the service agreement upon booking. Company is not responsible for any health issues occurred during the tour.

5. Insurance

  1. It is mandatory for the Client to have a full travel insurance covering cancellation, illness and repatriation including emergency helicopter rescue.

  2. The Company is not responsible for costs incurred in relation of the client’s emergency evacuation within Mongolia or to destinations outside Mongolia.

  3. Clients must ensure that there are no exclusion clauses in the insurance policy limiting protection for the type of activities included in their tour (e.g. horse riding, mountain biking).

  4. Client is given the choice of a full insurance of the motorcycle for amount of USD $200. In the event if Client refuses to to ensure the equipment, they are held responsible for all the damage costs in accordance with parts price list provided by manufacturer. (See the Appendix B of the service agreement) 

  5. The Company will not accept any responsibility for luggage and personal property of the client.

  6. A copy of each client's insurance is required by the Company prior to departure. This must include 24-hour emergency telephone number with direct connection to a human operator able to authorize emergency helicopter rescue.

6. Alterations to The Itinerary

  1. If necessary or advisable to do so, the Company reserves the right at any time to alter arrangements for any aspect of the tour. Clients will be informed of any changes prior to departure, and if the change involves a significant change in the itinerary then the client may cancel the booking within seven days of notification and receive a full refund of money paid.

  2. If any unexpected events or circumstances which imply the security of the clients should occur (e.g. broken bridges, defected roads, epidemic, etc.) we retain the right to alter the dates, timetable or route as we see    it. The client cannot claim any compensation in these circumstances.

  3. The Company will not be held  responsible for providing refunds if a situation arises during the tour which necessitates a change in the itinerary (including threat of war, riots, civil action, strikes, political or legal restrictions, force majeure, technical problems, decisions of air carriers, or other situations beyond our control) unless it can be proved that  the situation has arisen out of negligence on the Company's behalf.

  4. After arriving in Mongolia, no changes will be made to your itinerary except if necessary due to reasons of health or a serious emergency.

  5. If for any reason beyond the control of the Company your return to Ulaanbaatar is delayed causing missed international departure, costs incurred must be borne by the client. The company will endeavor to give all practical assistance in obtaining necessary documents of proof if required by the insurance company for repayment of costs incurred.

7. Use of Camping Equipment

  1. The client is responsible for returning the equipment, which is the property of “Company”, in the same condition as it was at the start of the tour.

  2. If the client notices any defect in the equipment at the start of the tour, he is bound to report it to the tour leader, otherwise he will be held responsible and must pay appropriate compensation.

  3. Clients must utilize all equipment in a safe and responsible manner. Smoking or use of candles or petrol lamps inside the tents is not allowed. Cooking equipment and accessories must not be left outside the tents at night.

  4. Client is responsible for the lost or stolen camping equipment and held responsible for their cost.

8. Motorcycle usage terms

  1. The equipment remains the property of …………….. LLC (“The Company`) and the client will not sell, hire out or otherwise part with it. The Client will not allow the motorbike he has been allocated to be handled by any other person.

  2. The Client must travel with a valid driving license endorsed for motorcycles. A copy must be provided at the time of booking.

  3. A security deposit of USD $300 to cover potential motorbike damage will be paid by the Client to the Company upon arrival in Mongolia. (Note: MOTORBIKE DAMAGE SECURITY DEPOSIT IS FULLY REFUNDABLE).  It will be refunded in full at the end of the tour providing the bike is returned without damage. Deductions from this deposit are not made for minor scratches or normal wear and tear which includes wear to tires, chain and sprocket, brakes, clutch, bearings etc. Any accidental damage to the motorcycle will be assessed and an estimate of repair cost provided. 

  4. The Client will not make any modifications to the bike, except to adapt foot brake lever or raise handlebars. Factory original settings must not be tampered with.

  5. The Client undertakes not to misuse the equipment and to return it with all accessories in the same condition as when received.

  6. If the Client rides away from the main track without the express permission of the Tour Leader, he is responsible for any damage to the motorbike, including tire puncture, occurring at that time.

  7. The Owner shall be entitled to charge the Client for any damage caused to the equipment during the period of hire.

  8. If any repairs or adjustments are required to the motorbike, the Client must inform the Tour Leader upon arrival at camp.

  9. In the case of a mechanical breakdown outside the control of either party, the Owner will make every effort so that the Client can continue the tour.

  10. The Client shall compensate the Owner in respect of all costs, claims, expenses and demands which he may suffer or incur, and which arise directly or indirectly out of use of the equipment during the period of hire. The Owner reserves the right to charge the Client for partial or full settlement of any such claim.

  11. The Client will ensure that the equipment is adequately secured when in use. At the end of the riding day the Owner takes responsibility for the security of the motorbikes. In the event of the equipment being stolen due to the Client's own carelessness the Owner reserves the right to call upon the Client to compensate the value of the equipment.

9. Miscellaneous

  1. Off-road motorcycle trips with "Sidecar Adventure Touring Mongolia" are intended to be a positive experience for all involved. The tour is not a RACE or COMPETITION and dangerous riding will not be tolerated. All participants are expected to respect the culture, nature and people of Mongolia.

  2. It is our duty to travel through Mongolia without damaging its pristine environment, nor disrupting the lives of the local population and their animals. Sometimes we will be riding through National Parks and Natural Reserves where flora is protected by law. Sharp braking or spinning wheels will be frowned upon by the locals and damage the reputation of the Company. Arrival at camp signals the end of the riding day.  DO NOT request use of bikes to explore the surrounding area.

  3. Most of the roads we travel on are not paved, but clear trails are obvious. Straying away from the track’s risks damage to the environment and the motorcycle. Places which are or have been inhabited by nomadic families are likely to be surrounded by bits such as metal or bones which can easily damage the tires. Additionally, if you divert from the trail to an area that cannot be accessed by the support vehicle, it will be difficult to rescue you in case of accident.

  4. All riders must follow the instructions of the TOUR LEADER. Often Mongolian roads are a like a maze, splitting and re-joining, so it is not possible to describe in advance every trail and split in the road.  Everyone must stop and re-group with the support vehicles at river crossings. If the water is deemed to be too deep the bikes will be loaded onto trailers and taken across, or we will find an alternative route. No one must attempt to make a river crossing by themselves when they are alone.

  5. Due to weather conditions and other factors, tracks can change from one year to the next. Bridges can break, rivers   flood and roads become impassable.  DO NOT disturb the Tour Leader and drivers by continual quizzing on the trail. We will do our best to follow the written itinerary.

  6. Petrol for the motorbikes will be supplied by the Company and is included in the price of the tour. It is your responsibility to inform the Tour Leader if your tank needs refueling. If every motorbike need refueling on the trail at the same time it will cause delay.

  7. Mongolia has a zero-tolerance law in relation to alcohol. DO NOT DRINK excessively the night before the start of the tour.  Police in Ulaanbaatar are particularly vigilant and may seize the motorbike if the driver gives a positive alcohol reading.

  8. The bike allocated to you is your responsibility until it is returned at the end of the tour. You MUST NOT allow local people to sit on it or ride it.

  9. Mongolia is a great country for off-road riding and our tours offer a wonderful opportunity to see the way of life of the nomadic people of Central Asia. To ensure the smooth running of our motorcycle tours everyone is obliged to follow these instructions and to abide by our Terms & Conditions.

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